One-to-One Consent is Coming. Is Your Business Ready?
Consumer Consent logo with text

The Future of One-to-One Consent is Here.

The first of its kind proprietary software dynamically allows users to provide explicit consent without the need for a software development team.


Consumer Consent Bridges The Gaps In Your Lead Generation

Lead Management System (LMS) Agnostic
Usable without being a Lead Prosper user. Requires buyers or lead management systems to have API capabilities for dynamic consent.
Simplified Dynamic Consent
Enables O&O sites to collect dynamic one-to-one consent without the need for development.
Data Handling
No data storage or logging. Acts as a pass-through between the front-end offer and LMS.
Seamless Integration
Acts as a middleware, allowing continued use of existing landing pages and funnels without redevelopment. Only requirement is the ability of the existing form to post data.

Experts Weigh in On FCC Changes

Lead Prosper experts explore challenges and potential solutions for the new FCC consent rules.

Lead Prosper FCC Whitepaper

How it Works

Consumer Consent's seamless integration to platforms to Lead Management Systems allow for easy and efficient dynamic consent implementation.


After a consumer submits a form, the data is posted to Customer Consent (CC).


CC will redirect the consumer to a flow hosted by the CC product which is configured by the CC user.


CC handles front-end pinging, displays interested buyers, and facilitates dynamic consent.

Are You Ready for One-to-One Consent?

Don't leave your business in the past.